The impact of fire, in oldgrowth forest of the Walpole-Nornalup National Park, on short-range endemic invertebrates and their forest floor communities.
Data management: Data are written onto data sheets, then checked and entered into Microsoft Excel and interactive Access database and image collection, available in website. Data are archived onto CD format and stored with the Forest Entomology Collection, Science Division Research Centre, Kensington. Archived CD copies will also be stored at the Walpole District Office (CALM) with the Nature Conservation Officer, the President of the WNNPA and the Web-site Co-ordinator.. Intellectual Property Rights: Any intellectual property arising from data collected during the current funding period of this project will be the joint and equally shared property of Lotterywest, the Walpole-Nornalup National Parks Association and the Dept. of Conservation and Land Management. Referees: Barbara Main, Professor, University of Western Australia Ian Abbott, Science Advisor, Dept. Conservation and Land Management Jonathan Majer, Professor, Curtin University of Technology |